Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snack attack: Ocean greens for everyone!!!!

Roasted wasabi sea weed is a snack most would be skeptical about. But I, being the fishy soul i am, love it's nutty, almost fishy (not nasty at all) taste. To me, It's pretty darn appetizing. Yeah, there's the sweet sesame kind that I like a lot because it isn't prickly on my tongue like the wasabi kind. And now that i am trying to explore healthier eating habits, these seaweed snacks are a good option. Now, you must be wondering How? Well , first of all they are pretty much low in everything (calories, fat, carbs), are packed with flavor, and also its scientifically proven that green stuff is healthy. So here's my question to you, would you dare to put dehydrated seaweed in your mouth or would the very thought of it weird you out ?? If you would, then you can get this from Trader Joe's, because that's where I got mine.

Yum!!Wasabi flavored green stuff :) ( not sarcastic )

I know , it looks like green sandpaper ( i imagine most foods do when dried out and roasted ) but never judge food on its looks. Now if spicy (like wasabi) isnt your style, you should pick up the sweet sesame flavored ones....

...Its sweet and nutty and in my opinion better than the Wasabi kind. ( i strongly believe that which is why I have typed it a million times in this post alone )

here are a few serving suggestions:

- crush into salads
- eat as a snack
- use as a topping on rice or other foods ( maybe not on Ice Cream, make that definitely not on ice cream )

*oh my sad attempts to be funny that end up a total fail*

ANYHOO....go on expand your taste buds into the sweet 'n' spicy ocean greens garden. Try this idea for a snack and tell me what you thought!

Always with smiles and rainbows,
Penny :)


  1. We eat roasted seaweed all the time! It's really good actually. Ours isn't spicy though. (I don't like spicy. It's too...spicy. You know, I never really understood the concept of spicy. It's just like PAIN in your mouth! Why would anyone LIKE that?!?)

    1. Same here....even though I am indian...I don't like spicy. To me it's a new thing, eating seaweed for a snack for a very simple reason....I ain't Asian. I still like it though, I just ate it for a snack today, the sesame kind. It's good too.

  2. I love, love, love seaweed! Any kind, really (roasted and the one they put in sushi)but I find plain the BEST.(weird, huh?)But ya, sadly where I live, we don't get roasted seaweed or seaweed at all! :( And I miss Trader Joe's...

  3. I am sorry.... Life without trader joes would suck. It would be a sad sea weed- jalapeƱo and cheese crunchy less life.
